Sunday 28 May 2023

I'm a VP at the company behind Advil and Tums. My day starts with double-screening YouTube and Netflix and ends with surfing Amazon ratings.

Beth Gaeta
Beth Gaeta
  • Beth Gaeta is the head of US innovation at Haleon — the company behind Advil, Tums, and Sensodyne. 
  • She is up at 5:30 a.m. and spends time exercising before getting her daughters ready for school.
  • Gaeta often ends her day reading through Haleon product reviews on Amazon.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Beth Gaeta, the head of US innovation at Haleon based in Warren, New Jersey about her daily routine. It has been edited for length and clarity.

As the head of U.S. innovation at Haleon, I spend my days thinking about, listening to, and learning from colleagues, retailers, suppliers, and consumers.

It's work that demands curiosity, collaboration, and problem solving. I find continuous improvement motivating, and I love this role's focus on optimizing and advancing day after

I wake up at 5:30 a.m.

Gaeta’s treadmill and weights await her morning fitness routine, which she does while catching up on Netflix.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

I'm an early bird. I wake up and log on to my favorite YouTube coach Sydney Cummings for a workout (while also watching Netflix — I like the political thriller "House of Cards"-like shows).

I finish with a short meditation to help me get my head in the game for the day. 

I then get my two daughters ready for school and send them off to junior high

Gaeta helps prep her daughters’ backpacks before getting them out the door to junior high.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

The first thing I do when I get to the office around 8 a.m. is have coffee

Gaeta sometimes has a “walking coffee chat” with colleagues in the morning.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

I'll also do informal chats with colleagues around our desks or we'll have a "walking coffee chat."

I then have meetings with my team

Gaeta leads an innovation meeting where she decides which ideas will receive resources and funding to move forward.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

Later in the morning, I attend a meeting where I help make decisions on which new innovation projects we will initiate or advance. This month, one idea was implementing changes to make our packaging more sustainable.

Next, I touch base with my colleague

Gaeta meets with a colleague to go over new product proposals and budgets.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

We go over P&L assumptions for new product proposals or budgets to support the high volume of consumer research we do.

Before lunch, I go shopping at our Haleon employee store

Gaeta shops for her family at Haleon’s employee store.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

This is where I buy all of my family's everyday health and wellness needs.

I take my lunch break outside 

Gaeta uses her lunch break to get outside and clear her head.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

Unless my days are very packed and I need to eat lunch at my desk, I'll use my lunch break to go outside and clear my head.

If I'm walking, I may turn on a podcast from NPR or the New York Times. Otherwise, I'll get my steps in by walking around the office.

I have afternoon meetings with my full team

Gaeta likes to start leadership meetings with a “Best of Me” exercise.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

With the leadership team, we start with a "Best of Me" exercise, which helps us understand how we can best support one another.

Everyone buddies up and we have quick "speed dating" conversations where each person shares with their partner what they need from the other person to be "at their best." 

I may spend part of the afternoon in Haleon's Shopper Science Lab

Haleon’s Shopper Science Lab is a space to research how consumers shop and test ideas for enhancing the experience.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

This lab allows Haleon to take consumer research and model retail scenarios virtually and physically to better understand and enhance the consumer shopping experience. 

A small team called our Innovation Incubator helps us learn our way into spaces that are new to us such as diagnostics, devices, or digital complements for our physical products. We meet regularly to discuss "aha moments" and learnings from our latest experiments. 

aleon’s Innovation Incubator team meets regularly to discuss “aha” moments and learnings from their latest experiments.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

I get home at around 6:30 p.m.

Gaeta spends time with her daughter outside after work, often watching her practice gymnastics on the trampoline.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

When I get home from work, I often get pulled outside to watch my younger daughter practice gymnastics on our trampoline.

We also try to take a walk together whenever we can

Before dinner, Gaeta extends her quality time with her family on a walk outside.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

With the extra hours of sunlight, we have more opportunities to go on walks after work.

Then I'll make dinner for my family and help my girls with their homework. 

I spend some time reading

Gaeta invests in her career development by reading books about topics such as leadership and branding.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

If I have additional time to myself in the evening, I like to invest in my career development by reading business books or articles on innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, and branding.

Two of my favorites include Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull (founder of Pixar) and Obsessed: Building a Brand People Love from Day One by Emily Heyward. 

I end my day reading Amazon reviews

Gaeta surfs Amazon reviews of Haleon’s products on her iPad before shutting down for the night.
Courtesy of Beth Gaeta

I squeeze in a few minutes of surfing Amazon reviews of our products or those made by Haleon's competitors. Then I'm early to bed at 9:30 p.m. so I can be early to rise all over again!

Read the original article on Business Insider

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